FATEC 2020 – Questão 27

Linguagens / Inglês
Minority ethnic Britons face ‘shocking’ job discrimination
Haroon Siddique
Thu 17 Jan 2019 17.00 GMT Last modified on Fri 18 Jan 201900.50 GMT
A study by experts based at the Centre for Social Investigation at Nuffield College, University of Oxford,found applicants from minority ethnic backgrounds had to send 80% more applications to get a positive response from an employer than a white person of British origin.
A linked study by the same researchers, comparing their results with similar field experiments dating back to 1969, found discrimination against black Britons and those ofsouth Asian origin – particularly Pakistanis – unchanged over almost 50 years.
The research, part of a larger cross-national project funded by the European Union and shared exclusively with the Guardian before its official launch, prompted concerns that race relations legislation had failed.It echoes findings published as part of the Guardian’s Biasin Britain series that people from minority ethnicbackgrounds face discrimination when seeking a room torent. In a snapshot survey of online flatshare ads the Guardian found that an applicant called Muhammad wassignificantly less likely to receive a positive response thanan applicant called David.
Prof Anthony Heath, co-author and emeritus fellow of Nuffield College, said: “The absence of any real declinein discrimination against black British and people of Pakistani background is a disturbing finding, which callsinto question the effectiveness of previous policies.Ethnic inequality remains a burning injustice and thereneeds to be a radical rethink about how to tackle it.”
Dr Zubaida Haque, the deputy director of the raceequality thinktank Runnymede, described the findings asshocking. They demonstrated that “it’s not just covertracism or unconscious bias that we need to worry about;it’s overt and conscious racism, where applicants aregetting shortlisted on the basis of their ethnicity and/orname”, she said.
“It’s clear that race relations legislation is not sufficient to hold employers to account. There are no real consequences for employers of racially discriminating insubtle ways, but for BME* applicants or employees itmeans higher unemployment, lower wages, poorer conditions and less security in work and life.”
<https://tinyurl.com/y9nohdte> Acesso em: 07.10.2019. Adaptado.*BME – Black and Minority Ethnicity
De acordo com o Professor Anthony Heath, o que causa surpresa em relação à pesquisa apresentada é que
a) houve aumento nos índices de xenofobia nos últimos cinquenta anos.
b) houve diminuição nos índices de discriminação contra negros desde 1969.
c) houve aumento nos índices de aceitação dos imigrantes desde a década de 1960.
d) não houve estabilização nos índices discriminatórios contra latinos desde 1969.
e) não houve diminuição nos índices de discriminação contra negros e paquistaneses.

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