FATEC 2015 – Questão 1
Linguagens / Inglês
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Marque a alternativa correta, de acordo com o quarto parágrafo do texto.
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In paragraph 3, the phrase “The differences are small…” most likely refers to which of the following?
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A energia cinética da bala ao atingir o tronco, em joules. era de
a) 4,0 x 105
b) 4,0x104
c) 4,0x103
d) 4,0x103
e) 4,0x10Base dudow 2000 – Questão 68
Who were the protagonists of this story?
a) The protagonists were the gas station´s owner and a young man.
b) The protagonists were the gas station´s owner and an older man.
c) The protagonists were a man and a young one.
d) They were two young man.
e) They were two men who worked at gas station.