FATEC 2013 – Questão 7
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A respeito das tarefas que as máquinas podem desempenhar, e de acordo com o que é mencionado diretamente no segundo parágrafo, pode-se afirmar corretamente que
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He drove ______ me without stopping and drove off ______ the centre of town.
a) from / into
b) towards / over
c) along / up
d) past / towards
e) in / next toFGV Administração 2010 – Questão 41
According to the information in the article, which of the following is not true of most European countries?
a) Normally, they are careful about spending too much money.
b) They provide poor people with access to medical care.
c) They are not so liberal with money as is the U.S.
d) They try to make sure that unemployed people have money.
e) Their governments cut their expenses drastically during recessions.UFPR 2012 – Questão 76
According to the text, Vargas Llosa:
a) has been politically active only after 1990, when he ran for President.
b) became the President of Peru in 1990.
c) strongly supports Fidel Castro and his revolutionary government.
d) has moved from the left to a more liberal or neoliberal political position.
e) is a member of the communist party in Peru.