FATEC 2009 – Questão 16

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
There’s No Need Ever To Get Up
A chair should ultimately be functional, inviting and comfortable. But it can also be a beautiful work of art. At the latest Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan, Japanese designer Tokujin Yoshioka unveiled for Moroso his simple yet stunning Bouquet Chair, which “blooms” on a slim chrome stem with “petals” made of individually sewn fabric squares (price unavailablemoroso.it). To take a seat in the Fantasy Fantasy Chair by New Zealand designer Phil Cuttance is to be transported into a world of mythical creatures and fantastical human forms. 1The large, boxy piece is covered with fabric illustrated by artist Jared Kahi, who created the images using an inkjet textile printer ($1,590; philcuttance.com). The Lathe Chair V by Sebastian Brajkovie features a hand embroidered, rainbow-shaped backrest, which gives the impression of a chair in motion, 2on the verge of tipping over ($29,160; cwgdesign. com). It’s best to take it sitting down.
TAKE A LOAD OFF: Bouquet chair, Lathe chair
Qual a melhor tradução para “...on the verge of tipping over” (ref. 2) no texto?
a) Por trazer estampas com desenhos circulares.
b) Para ser utilizada apenas como peça decorativa.
c) Causando tontura ao sentar.
d) Prestes a virar.
e) Pois possui pés giratórios.

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