FATEC 2009 – Questão 15
Linguagens / Inglês / Vocabulary / Specific Vocabulary from the English Language
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FATEC (2ºsem) 2008 – Questão 48
Para responder a esta questão, considere a seguinte passagem do texto e as afirmações nela fundamentadas.
...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 50
Though a tag sale is a sale of used household belongings, with prices typically marked on labels affixed to the items:
a) The girls thought it would be annoying to price each of the labels.
b) The driver didn't notice the prices written on the labels.
c) The girls wrote “Free Box” in the carton.
d) No one would be interested in buying them.
e) The girls forgot that there were expensive belongings in the box.UNIFESP 2017 – Questão 34
No trecho “who reject food because of exacting aesthetic standards”, os termos em destaque podem ser substituídos, sem alteração de sentido, por
a) in order to.
b) due to.
c) so that.
d) in spite of.
e) such as.UERJ 2005 – Questão 18
It would be wise for a writer to consider that if a reader shows the good judgment to buy her book, that same reader deserves a fresh plot, logical conclusions and something to stimulate her imagination.
The communicative goal of the sentence above is to:
a) illustrate characteristics of good novels
b) indicate reactions from various readers
c) establish plots for different stories
d) offer advice to romance writersFATEC (2ºsem) 2008 – Questão 19
Sejam f e g funções de IR em IR, tais que
g(x) = f(2x + 3) + 5 , para todo x real. Sabendo que o número 1 é um zero da função f, conclui-se que o gráfico da função g passa necessariamente pelo ponto
a) (-2, 3)
b) (-1, 5)
c) (1, 5)
d) (2, 7)
e) (5, 3)