FATEC 2003 – Questão 36

Linguagens / Inglês
The Mystery of Lupus
Many people have heard of lupus, but nobody truly understands it. A chronic inflammatory disease, it causes the immune system to attack the heart, kidneys and other organs. And a recent study by the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found thatover a 20–year period, the death rate rose 33 percent.
Anyone can contract the illness, though it’s most com-mon among those between 15 and 44. Women are agreater risk than men, and black women have the hig-hest risk of all.
Researchers don’t know why, nor do they know what causes it in the first place. And there’s another pro-blem: people often go for years without knowing theyhave it. That’s because it’s a complex diagnosis andthere isn’t one test that’s always conclusive. Earlysymptoms are similar to the flu: fatigue, weakness andsporadic joint pain. But with lupus, patients often alsoget a rash that spreads across the nose and cheeks.If you think you might have lupus, talk to your doctor.Early treatment is important, and promising new drugs are expected within five years. –
Newsweek, July 8, 2002
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a forma interrogativa correta da frase "..., the death rate rose 33 percent.", no primeiro parágrafo do texto.
a) Did the death rate rose 33 percent?
b) Did the death rate raise 33 percent?
c) Did the death rate rise 33 percent?
d) Does the death rate rise 33 percent?
e) Does the death rate rose 33 percent?

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