FATEC 2002 – Questão 29

Linguagens / Inglês
Mystery illness hits pre-Oscar ceremony

LOS ANGELES, March 8 – A mystery illness has overcomeat least 100 guests who attended a pre-Oscar ceremony hon-oring scientific and technical achievement last weekend.
About 500 people attended the dinner and awards presenta-tion at the Regent Beverly Wilshire hotel in Beverly Hills onSaturday. Although many became ill the next day, someguests didn’t show symptoms for several days.
THE TOTAL NUMBER of people sickened has not beendetermined, but the Los Angeles County Department ofHealth said Thursday that at least 100 were overcome, while Oscar officials said it could be nearly 200.
County epidemiologists were examining everything from thefish and beef on the menu to the desserts and wine.Investigators also collected stool samples from sickenedindividuals to determine the nature of the disorder. The illness was characterized by vomiting, diarrhea, nauseaand sometimes a low-grade fever. Symptoms were typicallylasting one to two days.
(MSNBC, March 8, 2002 - www.msnbc.com)
Com base no texto, assinale a afirmativa correta sobre a doença misteriosa constatada na cerimônia pré-Oscar.
a) As 500 pessoas presentes no jantar oferecido durante a cerimônia foram afetadas pela doença.
b) Mais de cem participantes da cerimônia apresentaram sintomas da doença no dia seguinte.
c) A maioria das vítimas da doença apresentou sintomas alguns dias depois da cerimônia.
d) Quase 200 participantes do jantar oferecido durante a cerimônia ficaram doentes no dia seguinte.
e) Pelo menos 100 participantes da cerimônia tiveram sintomas da doença por um ou dois dias.

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