FATEC 2002 – Questão 27
Linguagens / Inglês
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UERJ 2010 – Questão 17
As editor for a magazine on “speculative” fiction, I happen to need one. (ref.1)
In the fragment, the author expresses his need to read speculative fiction. This necessity indicates the author’s lack of:
a) certainty.
b) concern.
c) experience.
d) encouragement.FATEC 2012 – Questão 35
Atualmente, a maioria das pessoas tem substituído, em suas residências, lâmpadas incandescentes por lâmpadas fluorescentes, visando a uma maior economia. Sabendo-se que a luminosidade da lâmpada fluorescente de 15W equivale à da lâmpada incandescente de 60W, o efeito da substituição de uma lâmpada incandescente que funcione em média 6 horas por dia por outra fluorescente será uma economia mensal, em kWh, de
a) 4,5.
b) 8,1.
c) 10,2.
d) 13,5.
e) 15,0.UFU 2021 – Questão 43
It might not be the slickest thing on four wheels, and it definitely won’t win any time trials, but Chinese logistics firm Cainiao’s new Xiao G delivery cart could be the future.
...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 70
Em qual desses trechos há ironia?
a) As soon as I pulled the bail back my hand felt like it was on fire.
b) Unfortunately for you, you accidentally got bit, but thankfully sharks don't like t-shirts!
c) What's important to remember is that sharks don't purposely bite people.
d) Not to mention an adrenaline rush that is second to none.
e) Let's face the facts.FGV 2015 – Questão 36
In paragraph 3, the phrase “The differences are small…” most likely refers to which of the following?