FATEC (2ºsem) 2006 – Questão 14

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
Online dating appeals to older folks, too
NEW YORK - Susan Gladstone’s moment came when she turned 50. Divorced, with two children, she was getting tired of asking friends to fix her up and being told they just couldn’t think of anyone. And so, she turned to online dating.
Two and a half years and dozens of dates later, Gladstone, an event planner in Miami, hasn’t yet found her perfect soul mate. But she’s had lots of enjoyable dinner dates, met fascinating people from around the globe, and to her delight has made a number of lasting friendships.
Gladstone is part of a growing trend: people in their 50s and beyond searching the Internet for romance, companionship, sometimes marriage. As in any age group, there are ups and downs. There’s the old stalephoto trick (it’s him, but 20 years and 30 pounds ago), or the date who asks right away how much money you have, or the ones who say how fabulous you are and then disappear. Still, many older online daters say that even if they haven’t found true love – yet – it’s been
“I had minor back surgery recently,” Gladstone says, “and I got about a half-dozen e-mails from men I’d met online, checking up on how I was! Even if I never meet my partner, I’ll be happy for the wonderful friends I’ve made.”
The main reason more mature singles are going online for love is simple: more widespread access to the Internet, hence more familiarity with online dating. And dating sites are catering to older members. Yahoo Personals, for example, has an advice column for users over 50, with tips – on everything from etiquette to sexual health – for those whose romantic radar may be a tad rusty.
(MSNBC.com, March 15, 2006)
Muitas pessoas mais velhas que procuram a Internet para novos relacionamentos dizem que
a) vale a pena, apesar de seus pretendentes apresentarem fotos de 20 anos atrás e com 30 quilos a menos.
b) se decepcionam, pois muitos pretendentes estão apenas interessados em seu dinheiro.
c) se arrependem porque, depois de Ihes dar esperança, seus pretendentes acabam desaparecendo.
d) vale a pena, mesmo não tendo conseguido ainda encontrar um verdadeiro amor.
e) não vale a pena, porque tudo o que conseguem são amizades passageiras e superficiais.

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