FAMERP 2016 – Questão 80

Linguagens / Inglês / Vocabulary / Specific Vocabulary from the English Language
W.H.O. calls ‘vaccine hesitancy’ an increasing concern globally
Rick Gladstone
August 18, 2015
The World Health Organization warned Tuesday of what it called the growing problem of “vaccine hesitancy,” when people delay or refuse vaccines for themselves or their children. In a statement on its website, the organization called the problem “a growing challenge for countries seeking to close the immunization gap.” Globally, the organization said, one in five children still do not receive routine lifesaving immunizations, and 1.5 million children die each year of diseases that could have been thwarted by vaccines.
No trecho do texto “1.5 million children die each year of diseases that could have been thwarted by vaccines”, o termo em destaque indica uma ideia de:
a) hesitar
b) lutar
c) insistir
d) evitar
e) agravar

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