ENEM PPL Linguagens e Humanas 2021 – Questão 1

Linguagens / Inglês
      What is it about Serena that inspires such vitriol? Is it that she dominates in a sport that was once considered to be for the upper crust at country clubs? One would think that Althea Gibson and Arthur Ashe had put that idea to rest decades ago. Is it that she is considered too aggressive on the court? John McEnroe and Boris Becker seem to take the prize for that. Is it because she wins too much? To hate someone merely because he or she is great only speaks to one's own insecurity. To attempt to and fault with someone because you cannot figure out how or why they win so often only shows that you have already lost. Or is it that she is unapologetically black? A #CarefreeBlackGirl who speaks her mind, supports her people, and whose only real opponent is herself.
Disponível em: http://theundefeated.com
Acesso em: 28dez. 2018.

O texto, que discorre sobre Serena Williams, uma das mais bem-sucedidas atletas do tênis, tem o objetivo de
a) relatar a evolução do tênis nas últimas décadas.
b) apresentar uma campanha de incentivo a atletas negras.
c) classificar o tênis como um esporte alta mente competitivo.
d) examinar as razões das frequentes críticas que a atleta recebe.
e) condenar a agressividade da atleta durante as partidas de tênis.
Esta questão recebeu 37 comentários

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