ENEM PPL Linguagens e Humanas 2019 – Questão 2

Linguagens / Inglês
Philip and Annie wear glasses
and so do Jim and Sue,
but Jim and Sue have freckles,
and Tracey and Sammy too.
Philip and Jim are in boy’s group
but Philip is tall like Sam
whilst Jim is small like Tracey and Sue
and Clare and Bill and Fran.
Sue is in Guides and football
whilst Helen fits in most things —
except she’s a girl and quite tall.
Jenny is curly and blonde and short
whilst Sally is curly but dark;
Jenny likes netball, writing and maths
but Sally likes no kind of work.
Philip and Sam are both jolly,
Fran’s best for a quiet chat:
now I
have freckles, like joking, am tall, curly, dark, in Guides, football
and play penny whistles and the piano...
how do I fit into all that?
NICHOLS, J. In: COLLIE, J.; LADOUSSE, G. Paths into Poetry. England: Oxford University Press, 1993.

No poema Classifying, a escritora inglesa Judith Nichols compara várias pessoas com o objetivo de
a) enumerar a diversidade de características físicas.
b) classificar as preferências de diferentes pessoas.
c) ilustrar a relação entre tipo físico e estilo de vida.
d) destacar as singularidades de cada ser humano.
e) denunciar a intolerância às diferenças físicas.
Esta questão recebeu 126 comentários

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