ENEM PPL - Linguagens e Humana 2022 – Questão 5

Linguagens / Inglês
Letter to the Editor
Michael Gerson’s Oct. 19 Tuesday Opinion column, “The state laboratory of idiocracy strikes again” did not highlight the disservice done to the Black community or any other minority group affected by White history. I wonder about how this will manipulate the perceptions of minorities in the eyes of students. The misguided stereotypes and assumptions perpetuated by these curriculum restrictions will likely prevent Black Americans from expressing themselves safely.
It’s plausible to assume that continued miseducation over generations could create a sense of false comfort for Black Americans. Without proper access to history, minorities might begin to forget the oppression they have faced and the injustices they are currently dealing with. Lacking this vital historical education only serves to continue the longstanding issue of misinformation in
modern generations.
The problems are only the start of the issues that could begin to plague the American education system.
Riley Kilcarr, Springfield.
Disponível em: www.washingtonpost.com. Acesso em: 29 out. 2021.

O autor dessa carta se reporta ao editor de um jornal para
a) criticar uma matéria.
b) manipular estudantes.
c) atacar uma comunidade.
d) revelar uma premonição.
e) propagar desinformação.
Esta questão recebeu 242 comentários

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