ENEM PPL Espanhol 2023 – Questão 5

Linguagens / Espanhol
Esse infográfico foi produzido com o objetivo de
a) defender uma política pela diversidade na constituição familiar.
b) incentivar o convívio harmônico entre pais e filhos no ambiente escolar.
c) fomentar o engajamento dos diferentes tipos de família na vida escolar dos filhos.
d) apresentar a terminologia adequada para se referir aos diferentes tipos de família.
e) promover uma reflexão sobre o papel da escola no acolhimento da diversidade familiar.
Esta questão recebeu 55 comentários

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Base dudow 2000 – Questão 68
O autor aconselha esta atividade quando você... a) gosta de pescaria b) está a procura de algo para fazer na praia que também lhe proporcione adrenalina c) nunca pescou e quer ter sua primeira experiência d) estiver viajando sozinho para o litoral e) quiser correr algum risco de ser atacado
FGV Economia 2009 – Questão 78
The factors that influenced the middle class uprising are: a) migration from informal to formal economy and education. b) ownership of a car or motorbike due to lack of public transport. c) per capita monthly income ranging from 1,064 reais to 4,561 reais. d) that 44% to 52% of the population has left classes D and C. e) those who were aged from 15 to 21 in the 1990s are now taking jobs in the formal economy.
FGV Economia 2010 – Questão 78
In terms of energy, Brazil is praised in the text because a) of its extensive sugar crop. b) unlike other countries, it is quite self-sufficient. c) the deep-sea drilling methods are very competitive to obtain oil. d) the ethanol program is an eco-friendly method. e) both ethanol and offshore oil are still experimental sources of energy.
Base dudow 2000 – Questão 45
Identifique a forma passiva de: "People found out all the truth." a) All the truth was found out. b) All the truth had been found out. c) All the truth was found out by people. d) All the truth had been found out by the people. e) All the truth has been found out.
FGV Economia 2010 – Questão 77
One of the favorable aspects the text presents about Brazil is its a) political leadership in the Americas. b) over-levered economy. c) attraction to foreign investors. d) coherent energy policy. e) unstable level of interest rates.