ENEM PPL Espanhol 2014 – Questão 2
Linguagens / Espanhol / Interpretação de texto / Estruturas linguísticas e uso social
Esta questão recebeu 69 comentários
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The logical relationship between clauses establishes different notions. An example which expresses the notion of concession is indicated in:
a) Since public understanding is harder to change than terminology.
b) If this new term was intended to be clear.
c) Because so much political speech involves defending the indefensible.
d) This, though, isn’t clear when it is simply labelled “clean coal”.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 69
How much did the young man buy of gas? And how much did the man give him at first?
a) The young man bought $1 dollar and the other gave him $20.
b) The young man bought $6 dollars and the other gave him $20.
c) The young man bought $1 dollar and the other gave him $50.
d) The young man bought $6 dollars and the other gave him $50.
e) The young man bought $1 dollar and the other gave him $6.FUVEST 2020 – Questão 29
Afirma-se no texto que, no futuro, a tecnologia degravação em moléculas de DNA
a) será utilizada para sequenciar trilhões de moléculas destinadas à pesquisa médica.
b) deverá ter seu uso expandido no campo da genética e áreas afins.
c) continuará sendo inviável comparada a tecnologias convencionais.
d) terá de ser adaptada para o propósito de ler, codificar e guardar dados.
e) poderá ser a solução para o problema de espaço de armazenamento de informação digital.