ENEM 2 Espanhol 2016 – Questão 5
Linguagens / Espanhol / Interpretação de texto / Diversidade cultural
Esta questão recebeu 70 comentários
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Put the correct pronouns in the gaps and mark the right alternative:
1.Robert made this T-shirt ___.
2. Lisa did the homework ____.
3. Emma, did you take the photo all by ____?
a) himself, herself, herself
b) yourself, himself, herself
c) themselves, ourselves, yourselves
d) itself, herself, yourselves
e) himself, herself, yourselfUERJ 2010 – Questão 20
The text is a preview, that is, an anticipated review of an upcoming movie. The central issue discussed in this preview of Spider-Man 4 is related to:
a) directing staff
b) award indication
c) villains selection
d) actors’ performanceENEM 1ª Aplicação Espanhol 2016 – Questão 2
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My powers to regenerate might be top secret but my ability to re-energize is simple. Milk has protein to help build muscle and a unique mix of nutrients to help you refuel. So, eat right, train hard and drink low fat milk. That’s just common mutant...ENEM 1ª Aplicação Espanhol 2014 – Questão 5
El robo