Base dudow 096 2000 – Questão 68

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
 Call Waiting.
Soon teenagers will have no excuse for not letting their parents know where are they – and why they’ll be home late. Some European telecom firms  – Sweden’s Ericsson,  and TIM, the mobile subsidiary of telecom Italia  - are developing cell phones especially for kids. The gimmick: to prevent chatty kids ringing up their pals many times zone away, the new phones can be programmed to dial only  a few numbers like home, or a parent’s office. The phones may debut late this year. And you can bet that early next year some kid will have learned a way to subvert the controls.  
 A expressão “a few numbers” destacada no texto indica:
a) Número controlado
b) Grande quantidade
c) Número insuficiente
d) Número ilimitado
e) Número incompleto.

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