Base dudow 096 2000 – Questão 60

Linguagens / Inglês / Tenses / The future progressive tense
Após o questionamento da esposa sobre onde ele estava indo, Hagar dá uma resposta que envolve o Futuro com “Going To”. Se ele estivesse acompanhado de um amigo, qual das sentenças abaixo seria a resposta dele:
a) We should going to visit a sick friend
b) We must going to visit a sick friend
c) We could going to visit a sick friend
d) We is going to visit a sick friend
e) We are going to visit a sick friend
Esta questão recebeu 1 comentário

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Qual sentença se relaciona a seguinte figura: a) He’s going to play rugby with his friends at the gym. They are very happy. b) He’s going to celebrate the coming of the New Year. c) He’s going to shout the name of his soccer team because they are going to be the champions. d) He’s going to sing a Christmas song to cheer up all the old ladies. e) He’s going to study for the final test.
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According to the text, Web Information Transfer System is based in: a) Phoenix. b) Oregon. c) Alabama. d) New York. e) California.