Base dudow 096 2000 – Questão 40

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Locate parts of a text that sustain an answer or a position
Bad medicine
Going to the doctor isn’t as safe as you might think. Medical mistakes kill between 44,000 and 98,000 people in the United States annually, reports the Institute of Medicine – a private agency that advises the government and industry. The problem isn’t cold you might catch in the waiting room, but blunders like improper testing, incorrect diagnoses, and medicine mix-ups.
In an effort to reduce the number of errors, Web Information Transfers Systems, an Internet start-up company based in Phoenix, has set up a Web site ( that allows physicians to check medications prescribed by other doctors, prescribe medications electronically to eliminate errors in deciphering handwriting, and check an online version of the Physician’s Desk Reference for adverse drug interactions. Subscribers can also search for the latest information about a specific condition. The new site should be fully operational by this summer.
advise – assessorar
physicians - médicos
to catch a cold – pegar um resfriado
subscribers – assinantes
blunders – erros
allows – permite
According to the text, Web Information Transfer System is based in:
a) Phoenix.
b) Oregon.
c) Alabama.
d) New York.
e) California.
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