Base dudow 096 2000 – Questão 52

Linguagens / Inglês / Tenses / The future progressive tense
Assinale a alternativa que indica futuro. As sentenças pertencem ao texto abaixo.
“There are problems with economic competition: if laws and regulations around the world are not equally demanding, businesses in countries that do not require greenhouse-gas reductions will be able to operate more cheaply and sell their products at lower prices (at least in the short term) than businesses in countries that require more climate-friendly behavior. Multinational corporations may shift their factories to places where regulations are less restrictive.
Governments, businesses, and people are going to have to make difficult choices and take painful steps: this requires political will. Meanwhile, however, the world, of course, is also facing many other problems that require attention and sacrifice.”
a) Meanwhile, however, the world, of course, is also facing many other problems that require attention and sacrifice.
b) Governments, businesses, and people are going to have to make difficult choices and take painful steps.
c) Multinational corporations may shift their factories to places where regulations are less restrictive.
d) (...) businesses in countries that require more climate-friendly behavior.
e) There are problems with economic competition (…).

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