Base dudow 096 2000 – Questão 41
Linguagens / Inglês / Degrees of comparison / Comparison using comparative adjectives and adverbs
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......... you please bring me my notebook?
a) Will
b) May
c) Do
d) Should
e) MustBase dudow 2000 – Questão 28
Choose the best option to complete the sentence:
“Bell used electricity to send the human voice _________ one place ________ another”.
a) On – in
b) From – to
c) In – to
d) At – to
e) Above – belowFATEC (2ºsem) 2006 – Questão 14
Muitas pessoas mais velhas que procuram a Internet para novos relacionamentos dizem que
...UNIFESP port e inglês 2007 – Questão 45
Dr. Rosalind Wright says that
a) emotions cause detrimental physical changes.
b) angry people sweat a lot.
c) emotions might cause physical alterations.
d) hostile men have an unbalanced nervous system.
e) when heart rate goes up, the lungs are affected.FGV Administração 2011 – Questão 44
In the middle of paragraph 3, the phrase “That’s not how it feels…” most likely refers to which of the following?