Base dudow 096 2000 – Questão 32

Linguagens / Inglês / Degrees of comparison / Comparison using superlative adjectives and adverbs
Escolha a alternativa que complete o parágrafo:
“Brazilians say that paulistanos (São Paulo locals) live to work and to eat, which is probably true. Food in São Paulo is the ………………. in the country and rivals that of any major capital in the world. If you are there and like to eat meat, make sure you try the rodizio (barbecue).The pizzas are also extremely tasteful and a must-eat. You can find it in a ……………….range of restaurants from the ……………….delivery place to the fine ……………….ones.”
a) better – wider – simpler – more expensive
b) best – wide – simplest - most expensive
c) good – widest – simpler – most expensive
d) better – wider – simplest – more expensive
e) good – wide – simple – expensive

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