Base dudow 095 2000 – Questão 68

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
A great story about generosity
I was in the convenience store portion of my local gas station one morning roughly two weeks ago to buy milk, and a young man was buying $6 worth of gas  – he was using four $1 bills and a bunch of change to do so. I could see the stress on his face and, for whatever reason, I just said to the clerk:―Put another $20 on his pump number.‖ The kid almost started to cry. He said he wasn’t sure the $6 was even going to get him to and from work that day, but the job was new and he desperately needed to get to it in order to keep it. I really felt sorry for this soul and I wound up nearly filling his tank (this is very unlike me), giving the clerk $50 rather than the original $20, while he
stood there in disbelief. After I left, he went back into the store and asked the clerk if he knew me. He told him that I was an occasional customer, but he did not know my name. I went into the store Tuesday morning of this week because my card would not process through the pump – the first time this has ever happened to me. The owner was very happy to see me. He had an envelope for  me with my $50 in cash and a note from the young man which read: ―Thank you to my guardian angel. I got my first paycheck on Friday and I need to pay you back for your kindness. You saved my job  – and my life. I will try hard to pay this forward to somebody else in need. There is some strange cosmic reason that my card could not be read that day causing me to walk into the store. And there is some strange cosmic reason that my uncharacteristic good deed got such strong and positive payback. I just know that I will follow my gut a whole lot more in the future. Hopefully, my story will encourage others to pay forward their own good fortune from time to time to someone in need in these uncertain economic times.
Who were the protagonists of this story?
a) The protagonists were the gas station´s owner and a young man.
b)  The protagonists were the gas station´s owner and an older man.
c) The protagonists were a man and a young one.
d) They were two young man.
e) They were two men who worked at gas station.

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