Base dudow 095 2000 – Questão 52
Linguagens / Inglês / Conjunctions / Subordinating Conjunctions
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According to the information in the article, which of the following is most likely true about the suppliers that Apple audited?
...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 7
Complete with the appropriate preposition.
I - My wife was very glad ....... taking a trip abroad.
II - Are you hopeful ....... receiving a nice gift?
III - Whatever is good ....... you will be acceptable ....... me.
IV - Criminals belong ....... jail.
a) I - in; II - about; III - for; for IV - to
b) I - about; II - of; III - for; to IV - in
c) I - with; II - for; III - for; to IV -on
d) I - on; II - of; III - about; for IV - to
e) I - of; II - in; III - to; to IV –atFATEC 2007 – Questão 17
Assinale a alternativa correta sobre a população muçulmana na Indonésia.
a) Existem 200 milhões de muçulmanos no país.
b) O país tem a maior população muçulmana.
c) O país tem 85% dos muçulmanos em Tangerang.
d) O país tem mais de um milhão de muçulmanos em Tangerang.
e) A maioria dos muçulmanos do país é conservadora.UERJ 2009 – Questão 17
The text presents a comparative analysis of political involvement in different decades. According to Carroll, the conflicting attitude between youth generations of the 1960s and of today is expressed in the following statement:
a) effective activism is attainable with political support
b) traditional institutions are conscious of political needs
c) community engagement is sustained by political action
d) cooperative actions are dependent on political organizationsBase dudow 2000 – Questão 65
According to the part of Barack Obama’s inaugural speech,