Base dudow 095 2000 – Questão 41

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
O que Charlie argumentou para escapar da surra?
a) Que não era certo usar a violência.
b) Que é melhor esperar um pouquinho
c) Que eles poderiam resolver este pequeno problema de outra forma.
d) Que as pessoas não se entendem.
e) Que ele iria procurar ajuda dos adultos.

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Why did the man return to the convenience after doing his good action? What did he receive there? a) To get more gas and to receive a prize. b) To meet the young man who would give him back the money. c) Because his card wasn't working and then he received a thanking note from the young guy. d) Because his gas was off, he received some more free. e) He returned there to buy some gums and received some money from the young man.
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(ITA) If I _______in your place, I ______ that again and again. a) have been – would not do b) had been – would not have done c) were – will not do d) was – will not have done e) had being – would not have done
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Luke and me are thinking to do this work by ................ a) Ourselves b) Himself c) Herself d) Themselves e) Myself
UNESP (julho) 2012 – Questão 29
Assinale a alternativa correta. a) A cantora gostaria de ter se envolvido bem mais no relacionamento. b) O fim inesperado do relacionamento jamais será superado pela cantora. c) A cantora gostaria que o fim do relacionamento não deixasse ressentimentos. d) Uma outra mulher foi a causa do fim inesperado do relacionamento. e) O fim do relacionamento aconteceu após uma noite em um quarto de hotel.