Base dudow 095 2000 – Questão 35

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
Healthy eating tips – Action plan for life

Millions of people make a resolution to lose weight and stop over eating after New Years. Thousands join health clubs and more try desperate weight loss gimmicks to shed holidays pounds. Unfortunately, many people quit after the first week or two and maintain the weight gained from the holiday. Well, there’s a better way. We offer healthy eating tips to help you keep the weight off. The problem is that most people think of weight loss as a temporary endeavor instead of a life long action plan. Any worthy thing in life requires effort and effort requires action on our part. Losing weight will not happen by taking some type of "miracle solution" but requires "real" action from us.
Design an action plan for 6 months to a year of healthy eating and exercise. Several months into your action plan will change you habits for a lifetime so that you can continue to lose weight after 6 months. Contrary to popular belief, YOU are the most qualified person to create a diet and fitness plan because you know your eating habits better than anyone else. What goes into this action plan?
Below are 5 things to help you lose weight.
(1) Written diet plan.
(2)Include foods you like.
(3)Limit calorie consumption.
(4)Give yourself a free day.
(5)Include exercise in your plan.

Tips - dicas
Lose weight – perder peso
Endeavor – esforço
Instead – ao invés de
Popular belief – crença popular
According to the popular belief, you are____________person to design a diet plan.
a) the most qualified
b) one of the most qualified
c) probably the less qualified
d) an expert
e) certainly well qualified

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