Base dudow 094 2000 – Questão 81
Linguagens / Inglês / Tenses / The present perfect progressive tense
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UERJ 2006 – Questão 16
In the text, the argumentation is structured by means of descriptions of situations and restrictions. The following elements contribute to this structural organization:
a) definite articles and gradable adjectives
b) forceful tone and contrastive connectives
c) short paragraphs and independent clauses
d) plural personal pronouns and enumerative conjunctsBase dudow 2000 – Questão 65
Este texto está voltado pra que tipo de leitores?
a) College students.
b) Newspaper readers.
c) Schoolchildren.
d) Poets and painters.
e) Scientists and artists.UNIFESP port e inglês 2016 – Questão 38
Segundo o texto, a pesquisa publicada no periódico JAMA Pediatrics aponta que a pobreza
...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 80
Put this sentence into present perfect continuous: my story will encourage others.
a) my story will have been encourage others.
b) my story will been encouraging others.
c) my story will been encourage others.
d) my story have been encouraging others.
e) my story has been encouraging others.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 46
Assinale a alternativa cujas palavras completam corretamente os espaços do texto:
"Mary had ________ work to do: _______ dishes to wash, _______ clothes to iron, ________ pairs of pie to cook, but just _______ time to do it all."
a) much, many, a few, a little, much
b) few, much, a few, many, many
c) a little, little, few, a few, much
d) much, many, many, many, little
e) many, many, few, few, many