Base dudow 094 2000 – Questão 63

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Analyse the characteristics of a text: type of discourse; genre; structure; objectives
The Hubble Space Telescope (HST; also known colloquially as ―the Hubble or Just ―Hubble) is a telescope that was carried into Earth orbit the Space Shuttle in April 1990. It is named for American astronomer Edwin Hubble. Although Hubble was not the telescope, it is one of the largest and most versatile, and most versatile, and well known a vital research tool. The HST is collaboration between NASA and European Space Agency. Hubble works on the same principle as the first reflecting telescope built in the 1600s by Isaac Newton. Light enters the telescope and strikes a concave primary mirror, which acts like e lens to focus the light. Then, this reflected light back through a hole in the primary to instruments clustered behind the focal plane (where the image is in focus).Hubble‘s angular resolution is 0.05 arc second. This is the ―sharpness of Hubbie‘s vision. If you could see as well as Hubble, you could stand in New York City and distinguish two fireflies, 1 m apart, in San Francisco.
Hubble is not that far away - only about 600 km above Earth. Its nearly circular orbit takes it once around the planet every 97 minutes. The orbit is inclined (tilted) to the equator at an angle of 28.5°, which means that it never travels farther north than 28.5° N (the latitude of Cape Canaveral, Florida), or farther south than 28.5° S (the approximate latitude of Brisbane, Australia).Hubble‘s important mission will come to an end one day in the future. But the telescope‘s ultimate retirement will not signal the end of our unrivaled view of the universe. Rather, it will mark a new beginning - and even more amazing discoveries and images from space. For Hubble has a successor. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), which is being designed right now, rnay be launched as early as 2011. When that day comes, scientists using JWST hope to discover and understand even more about our fascinating universe. With ten times the light-gathering power of Hubble, JWST will peer deeper into the universe than ever before - back to the era when galaxies first formed. 
Sources:http://en.wikipedia.orp/wiki/Hubble_Space_Telescope [Access: 5th, June, 2008. Adapted)] & [Access: 5thJune, 2008 (Adapted)]
O principal objetivo do texto é:
a) Narrar
b) Advertir
c) Descrever
d) Contrastar
e) Criticar

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