Base dudow 094 2000 – Questão 55

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
Speaking in Tones: Music and Language Partner in the Brain
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Our sense of song helps us learn to talk, read and even make friends
By Diana Deutsch
Key Concepts
* The brain circuits that interpret music overlap with those that process speech.
* The musical qualities of speech are critical in early language development and in cementing the bond between infant and mother.
* A person‘s native language may affect the way he or she hears a set of musical notes.

One afternoon in the summer of 1995, a curious incident occurred. I was fine-tuning my spoken commentary on a CD I was preparing about music and the brain. To detect glitches in the recording, I was looping phrases so that I could hear them over and over. At one point, when I was alone in the room, I put one of the phrases, ―sometimes behave so strangely,‖ on a loop, began working on something else and forgot about it. Suddenly it seemed to me that a strange woman was singing! After glancing around and finding nobody there, I realized that I was hearing my own voice repetitively producing this phrase—but now, instead of hearing speech, I perceived a melody spilling out of the loudspeaker. My speech had morphed into song by the simple process of repetition.
This striking perceptual transformation, which I later found occurs for most people, shows that the boundary between speech and song can be very fragile. Composers have taken account of the strong connections between music and speech, for example, incorporating spoken words and phrases into their compositions. In addition, numerous vocalizations seem to fall near the boundary between speech and song, including religious chants and incantations, oratory, opera recitative (a style of delivery in opera resembling sung ordinary speech), the cries of street vendors and some rap music.
July 2010 Scientific American Mind
De acordo com o texto, é FALSA a afirmação:
a) a maior parte das pessoas produz em sua fala diferentes tons musicais
b) recitais de ópera, rezas, cantigas são exemplos da proximidade entre a fala e a musicalidade
c) a autora do texto detectou melodia em gravação de sua própria voz
d) O rap é um exemplo de gênero musical em que a melodia está intimamente ligada à fala
e) As pessoas têm maior familiaridade com notas musicais independentemente de qual é sua língua materna
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