Base dudow 094 2000 – Questão 47

Linguagens / Inglês / Adjectives / Position of Adjectives
Qual a alternativa mostra a ordem dos adjetivos correta na seguinte sentença: ―She was carrying a [crocodile-skin little handbag beautiful]
a) She was carrying a beautiful little crocodile-skin handbag.
b) She was carrying a little crocodile-skin handbag beautiful.
c) She was carrying a crocodile-skin little beautiful handbag.
d) She was carrying a little handbag crocodile-skin beautiful.
e) She was carrying a handbag little crocodile-skin beautiful.

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Mark the sentence which the use of Past Continuous is wrong: a) When I arrived, Tom was talking on the phone. b) I‘m australian, but I was spending a few months over in Britain. c) I were watching TV when the phone rang. d) The dress she was wearing was awful. e) He was drawing when his mother arrived.
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An example of the pressing challenges mentioned in last lines of the text – the pressing challenges that confront us all. – is a) the ‘natural knowledge economy’. b) technological and scientific innovation. c) climate change, the environment and food scarcity. d) Brazil’s current strengths and achievements. e) biofuel.
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“Hemopure” é um tipo de sangue artificial que a)Tem vida útil de três anos, quando devidamente refrigerado. b) Pode ser utilizado em qualquer pessoa, sem restrições de idade. c)Tem vida útil indefinida, quando devidamente refrigerado. d)Está sendo utilizado por hospitais, com algumas reservas. e)Tem vida útil de três anos e atende a todos os tipos sanguíneos.
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