Base dudow 052 2000 – Questão 76

Linguagens / Inglês / Tenses / The present perfect tense
Como dizer: ela mora no Canadá desde que era criança?
a) She has living in Canada since she was a child
b) She has lived in Canada for a child
c) She has lived in Canada for she was a child
d) She have lived in Canada since she was a child
e) She has lived in Canada since she was a child

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Writers always have an intention when expressing their feelings and ideas in writing. The author’s intention in this text is that of: a) sharing traveling experience with a specific public. b) advising photographers on how to restrain emotions. c) suggesting methods for capturing the perfect moment. d) convincing readers of the importance of photojournalism.
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As expressões carry out, edible, promising, step e joint effort no texto significam, respectivamente, a) carregar, comestível, prominente, etapa e esforço conjunto. b) carregar, saudável, promissor, parada e efeito conjunto. c) carregar, saudável, prominente, parada e esforço conjunto. d) realizar, comestível, promissor, etapa e esforço conjunto. e) realizar, saudável, prominente, passo e efeito conjunto.
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