Base dudow 052 2000 – Questão 76

Linguagens / Inglês / Tenses / The present perfect tense
Como dizer: ela mora no Canadá desde que era criança?
a) She has living in Canada since she was a child
b) She has lived in Canada for a child
c) She has lived in Canada for she was a child
d) She have lived in Canada since she was a child
e) She has lived in Canada since she was a child

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Qual a melhor tradução para “...on the verge of tipping over” (ref. 2) no texto? a) Por trazer estampas com desenhos circulares. b) Para ser utilizada apenas como peça decorativa. c) Causando tontura ao sentar. d) Prestes a virar. e) Pois possui pés giratórios.
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Most American people a) sleep less than eight hours per night. b) prefer to sleep more than seven hours. c) enjoy the idea of sleeping late. d) recommend an eight hour sleep. e) should stick to medical recommendations.
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The man in the cartoon thinks the cat: a) was recently given some kind of “diversity product”. b) was given some “diversity product” a long time ago. c) should have been given some kind of “diversity product”. d) will have to be given some kind of “diversity product”.
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In April, The New York Times obtained a summarized version of the U.N. assessment on global warming. The information contained in this summary originated from: a) a final report b) a panel discussion c) a 1990 assessment d) an unreviewed document