Base dudow 052 2000 – Questão 7
Linguagens / Inglês / Complements / Complements of verbs, nouns and adjectives
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UFRGS - Inglês 2011 – Questão 55
A estrutura do caso possessivo, presente em "in another's place" (q. 8), é a mesma que ocorre em:
a) Mary's lost her pencil.
b) The painter's tools are in the box.
c) The postman's finished his work.
d) Their son's upset.
e) Her daughter's been ill.UNESP (julho) 2006 – Questão 80
Os pronomes pessoais "it", em negrito no segundo parágrafo do texto, referem-se respectivamente a
a) sangue, técnica e buracos.
b) joelho, machucado e célula.
c) sangue, cirurgia e buracos.
d) joelho, técnica e cartilagem.
e) sistema circulatório, técnica e cartilagem.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 48
Complete with the best answer.
If you don’t believe in Jesus Christ, ...............................
a) He cries a lot.
b) You will not be save.
c) you don´t go to Heaven.
d) I don’t go to the Heaven.
e) He won’t go to the HeavenUNESP 2008 – Questão 81
Indique a alternativa que completa a sentença:
The lady ______ that she ______ the PIN number on the number of button presses required to access her account balance.
a) wrote … has modeled
b) writes … would be modeling
c) was writing … modeled
d) wrote … has been modeling
e) wrote … had modeledFUVEST 2006 – Questão 87
Which of these statements is true according to the passage?a) It has been estimated that 58% of the refugees living in Australia are war refugees.b) The Red Cross started a campaign for the cause of environmental refugees in 2001.c) Norman Myers...