Base dudow 052 2000 – Questão 69

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
Guide to Shark Fishing
Surf fishing for sharks is one of the most fun, rewarding hobbies I've ever taken part in. Shark fishing is one of the least appreciated types of fishing especially when you're doing it from a beautiful sandy beach. Most people think of sharks as 'creatures of the deep' or 'man eaters', but they are actually some of the best sports fishing to be had from the beach or boat. If you're looking for something to do while enjoying the beach, shark fishing can provide an adrenaline-filled experience and a picture worth 1000 words. For me it all started at Hilton Head Island in South Carolina. My dad and I had setup one night on an incoming tide. We were inexperience just hoping for the big one. As the tide was coming in we had to move the poles back to stay dry. As soon as I pulled the bail back my hand felt like it was on fire. When I realized what was going on I could no longer hold the line. Screaming my fool head off my dad grabbed the pole, lock the bail, and set the hook. SNAP! The pole broke in half and needless to say we never saw the creature of the deep. All that to say that hilton head shark fishing is some adrenaline pumping fishing!
Introduction to Shark Fishing
With 5730 miles of coastline in the United States there is plenty of water for sharks to roam. Sharks are found along all coastline in the US, but Florida and gulf coast states see the majority of these magnificent creatures. The pacific coast has their share of sharks cruising the beaches but are generally the larger species including the Great White Shark. I would love to see you hook one of these guys from the beach and manage to land him on the beach.
Millions of people live within an hour of the coast line but few care about surf fishing, let alone beach shark fishing. Hundreds of thousands of people visit coastal regions for vacation every year and little know that shark fishing is even an option. Let's face the facts. There are more sharks on the beaches than anyone would care to recognize. You would be amazed at the number of sharks swimming among beach goers. What's important to remember is that sharks don't purposely bite people. We aren't a natural food source for them. The majority of bites you hear about on the news are caused by being at the right place at the wrong time. Let's say you're out swimming in the waves and below you a school of bait fish (shark bait) has just surrounded you. You don't know it but the 6ft Blacktip or Spinner shark was in the area and has just found its meal for the day. Unfortunately for you, you accidentally got bit, but thankfully sharks don't like t-shirts!
Beach shark fishing is truly wonderful because you can enjoy the beach and all its beauty, and at the same time have the chance at experiencing one of the greatest creatures that roams the waters. Not to mention an adrenaline rush that is second to none.
Extraído de: Em: 19/10/10.
O que o autor afirma sobre os tubarões?
a) Eles mordem as pessoas como forma de alimentação
b) Eles migram para as praias americanas no inverno
c) Eles não mordem pessoas propositalmente
d) Humanos fazem parte da cadeia alimentícia deles
e) Tubarões estão em extinção

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