Base dudow 052 2000 – Questão 65
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Analyse the characteristics of a text: type of discourse; genre; structure; objectives
Veja outras questões semelhantes:
FATEC 2008 – Questão 16
De acordo com o texto, os homens descrevem seus animais de estimação como
a) mal-humorados.
b) manipulados.
c) carentes.
d) desobedientes.
e) sensatos.UNIFESP port e inglês 2006 – Questão 36
Brazil was praised because
a) it turned down a UN aid to fight HIV, which was quite unusual.
b) it welcomes international assistance to combat AIDS and HIV.
c) it leads scientific developments in public health and global pandemics.
d) it keeps a strong and comprehensive approach to HIV prevention, treatment and support.
e) the number of HIV infected people decreased to 600 thousand.UNESP (julho) 2012 – Questão 25
A quem se refere o termo our, na expressão our songbird,
no último parágrafo do texto?
a) Aos anjos e santos.
b) Aos norte-americanos.
c) Aos fãs das cantoras.
d) A São Pedro.
e) A uma famosa videnteBase dudow 2000 – Questão 68
In the story above, Garfield
a) is practicing kitty door smashing.
b) wonders what to do after killing the mailman on the sidewalk.
c) is testing his running skills around the house.
d) believes Match 2 is considered federal offense.
e) is afraid of being caught by the mailman.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 13
My pals every time ................................. stupid questions about my faith, so I just .............................. from beside them.
a) Pick up – bring up
b) Turn up – give out
c) Bring up – go out
d) Put up – turn up
e) Bring up – pick up