Base dudow 052 2000 – Questão 37
Linguagens / Inglês / Tenses / The present perfect tense
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UNESP (julho) 2010 – Questão 24
A terceira hipótese sobre vida em outros planetas
a) baseia-se em afirmações bíblicas sobre seres extraterrestres.
b) descarta a possibilidade de Deus ter criado vida em outros planetas.
c) baseia-se em contradições bíblicas sobre seres extraterrestres.
d) sugere que seres extraterrestres também acreditem em Deus.
e) sugere a possibilidade de vida humana em outros planetas.UNIFESP port e inglês 2010 – Questão 33
No último trecho do segundo parágrafo do texto – but disagree about their extent. – a palavra their refere-se a
a) averages.
b) most experts.
c) men and women.
d) life expectancy.
e) further rises.UNESP 2008 – Questão 77
Indique a alternativa que preenche corretamente a sentença:
If the pension deposit ______ earlier, the lady ______ in trouble.
a) arrived … would haven’t been
b) had arrived … wouldn’t be
c) had arrived … wouldn’t have been
d) arrives … wouldn’t be
e) has arrived … would be notBase dudow 2000 – Questão 50
According to the text:
a) Lasagne is a very traditional English recipe.
b) The English would rather eat pasta than potatoes.
c) A famous English cook introduced the old lasagna in England in 1930.
d) There are no differences between the lasagna you eat in Italy.
e) The Italians were responsible for introducing tomatoes into the old lasagna recipe.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 42
A frase “The PC failed yesterday” na forma interrogativa é:
a) The PC failed yesterday?
b) Did the PC failed yesterday?
c) Did the PC fail yesterday?
d) the PC did failed yesterday?
e) Do PC failed yesterday?