Base dudow 052 2000 – Questão 31
Linguagens / Inglês / Tenses / The present perfect tense
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FGV Administração 2010 – Questão 44
With respect to the economy, the article makes clear that:
a) American and European workers suffer equally during recessions.
b) the U.S. deals more competently with recessions than does Europe.
c) Americans say one thing and do another.
d) Americans are committed to maintaining a balanced budget.
e) the American life style generates much more wealth than does the European life style.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 66
If China stays on the same economic track, it would become the world's largest economy in 2027, surpassing the United States, according to projections by Goldman, Sachs & Co., a Wall Street investment bank. And unlike Japan, which rose in the...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 23
Nadine Gordimer:
a) Is a poet;
b) Was the first woman ever to win a Nobel Prize;
c) Was praised by the president of South Africa;
d) Has displeased critics;
e) Has won a number of other awards.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 52
Escolha a alternativa correta:
a) He hasn’t sleeped a wink.
b) He haven’t slept a wink.
c) He hasn’t slept a wink.
d) He haven’t been sleeping a wink.
e) He hasn’t been slept a wink.UFABC 2006 - 2007 – Questão 62
De acordo com o texto, a ingestão de água:
a) cura a desidratação, principalmente em regiões desérticas, por meio de chá quente.
b) deve ser controlada em níveis baixos por todos que vivem em regiões úmidas.
c) previne várias doenças, entre as quais o resfriado.
d) tem como efeito comprovado a perda de peso.
e) influencia, segundo crenças populares, o funcionamento intestinal.