Base dudow 052 2000 – Questão 30

Linguagens / Inglês / Tenses / The present perfect tense
Escolha a alternativa que complete as orações abaixo corretamente:
He..... there when he was a child
I........ her since last year
They ......... a few minutes ago
The film .......... yet
a) lived – knew – left – didn’t start
b) has lived – have known – have left – hasn’t started
c) lived – have known – left – hasn’t started
d) has lived – have known – left – hasn´t started
e) has lived – knew – have left – didn’t start

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O fragmento que melhor descreve a imagem apresentada no texto é o seguinte: a) "social networking sites are becoming such a huge part of our lives today." b) "images taken with a mobile camera" c) "the photographs we share online are one of the most important methods of building relationships" d) "they can definitely see your profile picture" e) "how best to create that memorable profile shot"
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According to the text, Professor Neville Alexander a) believes racial standards must be used in determining how well the university is doing. b) is a marxist sociologist who is against affirmative action at the University of Cape Town. c) thinks that affirmative action is against the ideals of nonracialism that were part of apartheid. d) believes that The University of Cape Town must resist the long struggle against apartheid.
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Qual frase está correta?a) I think I have meet him once before.b) There have been many earthquakes in California.c) People has traveled to the Moon.d) People hasn´t traveled to Mars.e) Nobody has ever climb that mountain.
Base dudow 2000 – Questão 21
About the cartoon, it is correct to affirm that: a) American economic problems will be longer than the Chilean miners problem. b) Chilean miners are trapped, Americans are free. c) Americans are trapped, Chilean miners are free. d) American are Chilean miners are trapped for a few months. e) Chilean economic problems will be longer than the American miners problem.
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Escolha a sentença que faz corretamente uma comparação: a) This is the more famous hotel in the city. b) This is best than hotel in the city. c) This book is as better as that one. d) Your house is the biggest one. e) These dogs are the smallest I´ve ever seen.