Base dudow 052 2000 – Questão 17
Linguagens / Inglês / Adverbs / Adverbs of Time and Definite Frequency
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UNESP (julho) 2009 – Questão 81
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde, em português, à palavra lack na frase – Scanning the supermarket aisles, we lack the data to understand the full impact of what we choose…
a) analisamos.
b) não temos.
c) computamos.
d) não entendemos.
e) escolhemos.UNIFESP port e inglês 2009 – Questão 44
No trecho do segundo parágrafo — they too could become savants who remember π to the twenty thousandth decimal place or perhaps even have telekinetic powers. —, a palavra perhaps significa, em português,
a) exceto.
b) até.
c) portanto.
d) talvez.
e) certamente.UNIFESP port e inglês 2010 – Questão 41
According to the text, the boomer generation
a) doesn’t wish to retire because they believe that work gives meaning to life.
b) competes for jobs with the young new grads and midlifers.
c) hasn’t saved enough money and has to continue working during retirement years.
d) doesn’t care if jobs are scarce because people are always reinventing themselves.
e) prefers health coverage rather than to dream of wealth.FATEC 2006 – Questão 15
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o uso correto do gerúndio após a preposição "to" como em “you are on the fast track to becoming a victim of identity theft”.
a) I enjoy to becoming mature.
b) I object to becoming mature.
c) I need to becoming mature.
d) I hope to becoming mature.
e) I insist to becoming mature.UFRGS - Inglês 2011 – Questão 59
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase abaixo.
"Since the introduction of iPod or MP3 music player headphones many minor street accidents ______"
a) occurs
b) is occurring
c) had occurred
d) have occurred
e) were occurring