Base dudow 051 2000 – Questão 57
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
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Conforme o texto, sobre as fotografias postadas em de relacionamento, é INCORRETO afirmar que
a) podem servir como fonte de informação para futuros empregadores sobre potenciais candidatos.
b) podem revelar até mais do que palavras.
c) são uma preocupação constante das pessoas que as colocam na rede.
d) são sugestivas quanto ao estado de espírito da pessoa retratada.
e) podem ser inesquecíveis se observadas algumas "dicas" .FGV Economia 2011 – Questão 78
In the sentence of the first paragraph – According to the IPEA, 10.5 percent of the country’s population are now considered as extremely poor, while 28.8 percent as poor. – the word while may be replaced, without changes in meaning, by
a) where.
b) than.
c) whenever.
d) whichever.
e) whereas.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 9
Complete a frase com as respostas corretas:
My dad always............................ me how to get good grades. So, I ………………. so hard to make my father happy!
a) Tells – am trying
b) Is telling – trying
c) Tell – am trying
d) Telling – am trying
e) Is telling – tries.UERJ 2012 – Questão 19
He insisted that, in politics, these euphemisms are “swindles” and “perversions” left deliberately vague in order to mislead.
In the fragment above, the inverted commas are used with the following purpose:
a) indicating the title of books
b) signalling the quotation of terms
c) conveying the sarcasm of the writer
d) suggesting the misapplication of wordsBase dudow 2000 – Questão 45
Check the correct answer:........ he ............... tomorrow?a) Does – comeb) Will – comesc) Don’t – comed) Won’t – comee) Do – comes