Base dudow 051 2000 – Questão 50

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
Tag Sale
First it was my daughter Sally: “I don't want this sweater anymore”. And then Helen, my other daughter: “I don't want this hat either”. And the cleaning went on for hours.
The following morning, at their tag sale, my daughters put all of the “junk” they just wanted to get rid of in a carton they marked “Free Box”.
Moments after they had set it at the foot of the driveway, a man drove up, looked at the box, dumped its contents on the lawn and drove off with it.
adapted from a text in Reader's Digest
Though a tag sale is a sale of used household belongings, with prices typically marked on labels affixed to the items:
a) The girls thought it would be annoying to price each of the labels.
b) The driver didn't notice the prices written on the labels.
c) The girls wrote “Free Box” in the carton.
d) No one would be interested in buying them.
e) The girls forgot that there were expensive belongings in the box.

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