Base dudow 051 2000 – Questão 12

Linguagens / Inglês / Vocabulary / Specific Vocabulary from the English Language
The capsule - containing rescue worker Manuel Gonzalez - has been lowered into the rescue shaft. Chilean President Sebastian Pinera and rescuers clapped and wished Gonzalez good luck as his journey began.
The plan is to lower Gonzalez into the miners' refuge, about 2,300 feet below the surface, and then have him prepare one of the 33 trapped miners to be raised to the surface.
Chilean Mining Minister Laurence Golborne has said he hoped at least one miner will be brought to the surface by midnight local time, which would be 11 p.m.
A expressão “will be brought to the surface” é corretamente traduzida por:
a) será trazido a superfície
b) será levado ao exterior
c) será enviado ao espaço
d) será utilizado para educar
e) será confirmado para dirigir
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