Base dudow 050 2000 – Questão 65
Linguagens / Inglês / Active and passive voice / Passive structures
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Base dudow 2000 – Questão 50
Though a tag sale is a sale of used household belongings, with prices typically marked on labels affixed to the items:
a) The girls thought it would be annoying to price each of the labels.
b) The driver didn't notice the prices written on the labels.
c) The girls wrote “Free Box” in the carton.
d) No one would be interested in buying them.
e) The girls forgot that there were expensive belongings in the box.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 25
Na oração: “Don't leave your books around”, o verbo frasal destacado significa:
a) esquecer
b) espalhar
c) perder
d) emprestar
e) molharFUVEST 2006 – Questão 83
The passage says that the demand for cars in Chinaa) was extremely high both in 2003 and 2004.b) is still quite impressive.c) may dip below 10% this year.d) fell by 15% when bank lending rules were tightened in 2004.e) has been badly hit by the sluggish global market.UFRGS - Inglês 2010 – Questão 56
A palavra que melhor expressa o significado que worthwhile (q. 8) tem no texto é
a) adventurous.
b) useful.
c) wonderful.
d) rewarding.
e) amazing.FGV Economia 2011 – Questão 89
Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna (1) no último parágrafo do texto:
a) neither
b) or
c) so
d) such
e) both