Base dudow 050 2000 – Questão 51

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
England, home of ye olde lasagne
Think traditional English recipes and you probably imagine roast beef, steak and kidney pie. Lasagna is unlikely to feature very highly – but the classic Italian dish actually originated here more than 700 years ago, experts believe. Historian Jo Cresdee discovered loseyns, pronounced "lasan", in the first-ever cook book, written for Richard II in 1390.
The cheese and noodle dish did not include tomatoes – these were added by Italians when they "borrowed" the recipe and adapted it. Loseyns gradually out of favour in England, as potatoes replaced pasta in the staple diet. Ms. Cresdee said: "As pasta returned to these shores, everyone assumed it was Italian." She carried out her research for a medieval festival this month at Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, which will feature from the era.
According to the text:
a) Jo Cresdee wrote a famous book about traditional English recipes.
b) Jo Cresdee failed to prove that lasagna is an Italian recipe.
c) A medieval festival will be held in England this month.
d) The basic English diet does not include potatoes.
e) Jo Cresdee tasted lasagna, for the first time, at a medieval festival in England.

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