Base dudow 050 2000 – Questão 43
Linguagens / Inglês / Pronouns / Kinds of Pronouns
Esta questão recebeu 1 comentário
Veja outras questões semelhantes:
UFABC 2008 – Questão 2
According to the text,
a) artists have joined health officials in their effort to curb drug addiction.
b) politicians provide a successful model to be followed by both teachers and students.
c) income should be a reference for a career in public service, mainly in education.
d) artists, leaders and authorities should at least pretend they are saints.
e) since education starts at home, school is not the only place to acquire it.UNESP (julho) 2011 – Questão 28
Indique a alternativa composta de duas orações cujas afirmações se opõem.
a) When I started running seven years ago, I could manage only 400 meters before I had to stop.
b) But the biggest pay-off for me was – and still is – the deep relaxation that I achieve.
c) It tires me out but I find that it does calm me down.
d) My story shows that an unfit 39-year-old can do the marathon.
e) Build up the jogging in stages until you can do the whole distance comfortably.ENEM - Espanhol 2022 – Questão 2
Pequeño hermano
...ENEM 1ºAplicação - Linguagens e Humanas 2022 – Questão 1
As my official bio reads, I was made in Cuba, assembled in Spain, and imported to the United States — meaning my mother, seven months pregnant, and the rest of my family arrived as exiles from Cuba to Madrid, where I was born. Less than two months...UNESP 2013 – Questão 23
Considerando-se o propósito do anúncio 2, a oração que poderia fazer parte de um texto a ser incluído nesse anúncio é:
a) Turn on the lights when a room is not being used.
b) Turn on the heaters and boilers on summer days.
c) Turn off the lights when there is nobody in a room.
d) Turn on the tap before you take a bath or a shower.
e) Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or shaving.