Base dudow 028 2000 – Questão 7

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
Thanksgiving is an American holiday that takes place that the last Thursday of November. On that day in 1621, the European settlers in Plymouth, Massachusetts, gave their thanks to God for letting them survive their first year in the New World. They celebrated by having a large feast or dinner. The indians who helped them were invited to that feast. Nowadays, Thanksgiving is a holiday. On that occasion, members of the same family who live far away get together for a big dinner. This traditional dinner reproduces the food the Plymouth colonist served in 1621: turkey, sweet potatoes or yams, squash, corn, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.
(Science Research Associates, 1981. p. 67)
O que os primeiros americanos comemoravam no Thanksgiving?
a) Sua chegada ao novo mundo.
b) Pela sobrevivência naquele país.
c) Por estarem a um ano no novo mundo.
d) A vitória contra os índios hostis.
e) A boa colheita de batatas.
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