Base dudow 028 2000 – Questão 49

Linguagens / Inglês / Tenses / The simple present tense
Cadbury world
"Cadbury world" is a chocolate theme park inaugurated in 1991. It ____I____ half a million visitors every year and combines an exhibition with a brief factory tour. The exhibition opens with Mayan and Aztec use of cocoa and the "discovery" by the Europeans of the "New World" together with the spicy drink known as chocolate. The exhibition tells the arrival of cocoa in England as a luxury drink, the establishment of John Cadbury's shop in Bull Street, Birmingham, in the 1830s, selling teacoffee and chocolate, the discovery by his sons ofnew process (II) cocoa and the establishment offlourishing cocoa and chocolate business in the 1870s. Cocoa became a popular family drinkmarketed by Cadbury as "absolutely pure, therefore best."
Preencha corretamente a lacuna (I) do texto:
a) is going to attract
b) attracted
c) attracts
d) has attracted
e) was attracted

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