Base dudow 028 2000 – Questão 4
Linguagens / Inglês / Nouns / Countable and uncountable nouns
Veja outras questões semelhantes:
Base dudow 2000 – Questão 80
Qual frase está errada?
a) I didn´t learned English.
b) A few years ago the internet didn´t exist.
c) Did you love your ex-boyfriend?
d) We studied by ourselves.
e) Did you call to your mother?FUVEST 2006 – Questão 85
According to the passage, Australians
a) are regarded as being quite funny people.
b) may have to face the “threat” of flood-stricken neighbours.
c) are preparing to shelter a flood of climate refugees.
d) have been criticized for their prejudice against war refugees.
e) started campaigning to keep out strangers four years ago.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 16
Don´t walk so ________________! Can´t you walk more ______________?
a) slow - fast
b) fast - slow
c) slowly - fast
d) fast – slowly
e) fast - slowerUNESP 2008 – Questão 77
Indique a alternativa que preenche corretamente a sentença:
If the pension deposit ______ earlier, the lady ______ in trouble.
a) arrived … would haven’t been
b) had arrived … wouldn’t be
c) had arrived … wouldn’t have been
d) arrives … wouldn’t be
e) has arrived … would be notBase dudow 2000 – Questão 33
Qual alternativa está correta?
a) She has just moved to a new house.
b) She has just move to a new house.
c) She just has moved to a new house.
d) She has moved to a new house just.
e) She moved to a new house just.