Base dudow 028 2000 – Questão 27
Linguagens / Inglês / Tenses / The simple present tense
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Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna da frase.
Action can be ______ than intention.
a) as difficult
b) as easier
c) so difficult
d) most difficult
e) more difficultFATEC (2ºsem) 2009 – Questão 15
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a) no mercado europeu.
b) na França.
c) nos Estados Unidos e na França.
d) nos países asiáticos.
e) nos Estados Unidos.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 28
Don´t treat me as if I ______________ no reason.
a) have
b) did
c) had
d) was
e) wereUFABC 2006 - 2007 – Questão 63
Em "People can drink far more water than necessary putting them at risk of intoxication, which can be fatal", a palavra which substitui o termo:
a) fatal
b) necessary
c) intoxication
d) people
e) waterUERJ 2011 – Questão 19
I have a large measure of confidence that future archeologists and historians will conclude that innovations such as a code-speak called “Instant Messaging”, or a music box called “iPod” or a makebelieve room called “MySpace” inexorably set us on a path of alienation and individualism.
The underlined segment has the function of:
a) justifying
b) illustrating
c) emphasizing
d) recapitulating