Base dudow 027 2000 – Questão 21
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
Veja outras questões semelhantes:
Base dudow 2000 – Questão 11
O que aconteceu com a Sra. Debi Lane?
a) Ele teve um terrível pesadelo no último novembro.
b) Ela foi tratada com uma dose alta demais de radiação.
c) Ela comemorou 41 anos internada em um hospital.
d) Ela sofria de câncer na tireoide.
e) Os médicos retiraram sua tireoide por engano.UERJ 2012 – Questão 20
Happiness is a domestic bird in our own courtyards.
This fragment contains a figure of speech which is labeled as:
a) irony
b) simile
c) metaphor
d) metonymyBase dudow 2000 – Questão 75
Assinale a alternativa em que o conectivo está CORRETAMENTE associado à ideia que expressa:
a) but (ref.13) = sequência temporal
b) because (ref.2) = resultado
c) first, second, third, then (ref.7, 8, 9, 10.) = enumeração
d) such as (ref.12) = exemplificação
e) since (ref.5) = causa e efeitoFGV Economia 2010 – Questão 84
One of the ideas presented in the text is that older people
a) spend less money than young people because they wish to save for an uncertain future.
b) start to identify with their age group when they turn 65.
c) tend to reject items designed for senior citizens because they feel younger than they are.
d) don’t move from rocking horse to rocking chair because they do not retire until they are 70.
e) are mostly good consumers after they turn 70, because their aim is to enjoy life.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 17
The question "Wanna be friends?" can be correctly written with the same meaning:
a) Could you want to be friends?
b) Were you want to be friends?
c) Are you want to be friends?
d) Did you want to be friends?
e) Do you want to be friends?