Base dudow 027 2000 – Questão 12

Linguagens / Inglês / Tenses / The simple past tense
“Claude Monet ___I__ in Paris on 14 November 1840 and ___II__ on 6 December 1926. He __III___ a leading member of the French impressionist painters, especially concerned with the effect of outdoor light and shade.
He __IV___ especially noted for his quick, spontaneous style, developed to catch the fleeting movement. Although now acclaimed as a great French painter, Monet himself, like most artists, never __V___ that he had achieved the perfect conclusion of the ideas that were in his mind.”
Qual das opções abaixo preenche corretamente a lacuna I do texto?
a) was born
b) borns
c) borned
d) had born
e) is born

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